Blue Phantom Gen I Central Venous Access Ultrasound Training Model Tissue Insert
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Realistic and ultra-durable central venous access ultrasound training model excellent for training clinicians in the psychomotor skills associated with ultrasound guided central venous access procedures.
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Blue Phantom upper torso ultrasound guided replacement tissue insert for Generation I central venous access training models allow users to develop and practice the skills necessary to gain proficiency using ultrasound for guiding catheter insertions in the internal jugular vein (IJ), subclavian vein, and axillary vein. Blue Phantom’s simulated central venous access ultrasound training human tissue insert pads, offer superb realism and are ultra-durable.
Choosing the replacement tissue insert that best fits your needs:
The central venous access replacement inserts are available in three configurations– no pump, hand pump, automated pump which simulate arterial pulsation in your model. Each of Blue Phantom’s three simulated tissue inserts has a unique tubing configuration depending on the pulsation method of your current model. In selecting your replacement tissue pad, please choose the same tubing configuration as your current model (no pump, hand pump or automated pump) to ensure your replacement insert configures correctly with your existing model.
Better training at a better cost
Blue Phantom’s self healing central venous access ultrasound training replacement tissue pads will allow you to repeatedly perform central venous access with ultrasound procedures without giving second thought to wearing out the tissue. Whether you are performing the entire ultrasound guided catheter insertion procedure or learning to guide a needle to a targeted vessel, you can expect unmatched durability from our replacement tissue pads and vessels.
Realism makes your training better
Each ultrasound training model contains anatomically correct vascular anatomy of the right upper thorax and neck including the internal jugular vein, subclavian vein, brachiocephalic vein, axillary vein, carotid artery, axillary artery, and subclavian artery. Our central venous access replacement tissue pads also contain anatomical landmarks including the clavicle, the sternal notch, and the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Users can train using traditional anatomical landmarks for blind insertion techniques or by utilizing ultrasound. Users can also perform the entire ultrasound guided catheter procedure including threading guidewires, dilators and catheters.
All of our simulated tissue models match the acoustic characteristics of real human tissue so you experience the same quality from our models as you would expect from imaging patients in a clinical environment. This replacement human simulated tissue medical training model will perform well using any ultrasound imaging system configured with the appropriate transducer.
Benefits of Blue Phantom technology:
- Superb realism and ultra-durable central venous access replacement tissue insert for ultrasound guided central venous access procedures
- Self healing tissue pad insert will withstand tremendous use- over 1000 cannulations
- Contains correct anatomical vascular positioning of the right upper thorax and neck including the internal jugular vein, subclavian vein, brachiocephalic vein, carotid artery, subclavian artery, axillary vein, and axillary artery
- Anatomical landmarks including clavicle, two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and sternal notch
- Ability to train on traditional anatomical landmarks for blind insertion techniques, or ultrasound to obtain images of anatomical structures
- Accommodates full threading of guide wires, dilators and catheters
- Venous and arterial fluids that are removed during central catheter insertions training are easily refilled using quick fill ports
- Three arterial pulse configurations are available; no pump, hand pump, and integrated automated pump depending on current models configuration
- Transparent simulated human tissue replacement tissue pads are available to assist users in conceptualizing anatomical positioning and correlating that information with ultrasound images
- Points of access include, subclavian, IJ supraclavicular, and infraclavicular, approach as well as access via the axillary vessel
- Users will experience flash fluid flow in the needle or syringe vessels provides users with immediate feedback when vessels are accessed
- Simulated blood fluids in the arterial vessels differ from the venous system allowing for users to easily verify successful venous access procedures
- Tissues match the acoustic characteristics of real human tissue so when you use your ultrasound system on our training models, you experience the same quality you expect from imaging patients in a clinical environment
- Perform well using any ultrasound imaging system
- Practice using ultrasound system controls
- High quality
- No special storage needs
- Patented technology
- Made in USA
Manufacturer SKU | CVBPH601 |
Dimensions | 30cm x 30cm x 15cm |
Brand | Aivia |